danny and bob lottie, thank you for helping us tackle some of the public safety challenges and sarah ballard in the public affairs team. sarah also was trying to corral cats, i think is the expression here because so many people wanted the right thing to happen here. if i have omitted anybody, i'm really sorry. ptl itself has brought many people to the table. i'm really looking forward to celebrate with everybody on december 10th. >> thank you, commissioner low? >> i just want to say what a transformation this is. many of you old schoolers remember what this used to be. this used to be near the scary bowl which was really scary and it was an awful place. my last memory was running out of the park out of fear for my life. they didn't want us there and they didn't like the way we played basketball. this is a great transformation, the different agencies, the city, the department, a great combination, the boys and girls club, central wide, the safe passages and it's great to see the energy and commitment transformed to this little patch of greenery in a very dense neighborhood. i want to say thi