sarah berg, absent. james absent, denise present. >> items on today's agenda. 1. welcome introduction and roll call. action item 2, reading of agenda. >> 3, public comment and action not on the agenda. each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. >> 4, information item. report from the chair. >> 5, information item report from the director of the mayor's office on disability. >> 6: information item. city careshare. access for all. city careshare will provide an over rue of the program and the expansion mobility for offices that uses mobility devices. the presentation is by rick hutchinson, ceo of city careshare. 7, information item support with family for disabilities services provided for families with individuals with disabilities. education manager and felix lopez, education coordinator. >> at 2:20 we'll break. the council will take a 10 minute break. 8. information item. everybody plays as san francisco recreation and parks. the adaptive recreation program to include supports for persons with disabilities. lucas and vickie inclusion coordinator. public comment is wel