they actually talked to sarah duncan in florida yesterday. she went home to work and when she got home she was arrested at her condo on an warrant and a couple minutes later they announced the arrest to the pub glick. >> charged with obstruction of justice, any specifics on that at all? what were police meaning by that? >> well, you know, yeah, obviously a broad law but there are some specifics within the law you can be charged with maybe tampering or concealing evidence, inducing a witness to hide what they know or conspiring to leave the state or hide somebody there. are specifics there we are talking about. >> do you get the feeling it's something after the fact that maybe they didn't know beforehand but they knew after and tried to help conceal? >> well, yeah. if they thought these people were involved in the actual killings, they might have been charged with something else. they are not charged with conspireing with chris harris to kill these people, charged seemingly oovr the fact type stuff. >> let's clear that up. we don't believe the