and we begin this morning with sarah evanson speaking on archeology archive making and interpretation military kitchens at fort ticonderoga fort ticonderoga was sophisticated globalized, populated, military and civilian center through the majority the 18th century. it also the center of a massive system needed to provision and feed the many men, women and who labored and lived at fort ticonderoga, the world in which these individual individuals lived was a world of color, noise and flavor, just as it would be a world of military conflict. this presentation explores the material culture of food preparation and eating at fort ticonderoga and the ways in which kitchens were spaces of cultural exchange these kitchens facilitated the adaptation of traditional and the creation of new culinary labor practices to fit in the military setting as evidenced by the archeological architectural and written record. sara evanson is a phd candidate at, the university of albany, and was the 2023 omaha institute ticonderoga fellow. good and welcome back, sara. thank you, rich. it is a pleasure to be back