gleeks logged onto to chat with 99.5's sarah frazier. what are they saying about tonight's sort of heavy episode? >> it was really heavy about spirituality, but it was so good for glee fans. a lot of people, a lot of tears. this is kind of a big year because glee is really stressing tolerance. this is sort of a shifting episode where obviously there was a lot of question with grilled cheeses, worshiping a grilled cheese. >> right. we'll talk about that grilled cheese in a moment, but let's talk about kurt, the gay character, one of them on the show. he really feels like church abandoned him as a gay kid and because his father had a heart attack and he was in the hospital room, it's really made him sort of reexamine his spirituality and some of the people really responding to that plight. >> a lot of you guys on twitter tonight, liz and kevin and miss kitty fish were talking about just that, that yeah, it was a big religious episode because a lot of the glee students come and they want to pray for kurt's dad and so he works through that s