gergen, former adviser to former presidents. also with us, margaret, thanks call. kirsten, you've been outspoken with your own experiences about harassment. when you hear sarahay sag these women are liars, what do you think? >> i wish i could say i was surprised. obviously this is something donald trump has before and i don't expect sarah sanders to say something different ft this is sort of the typical response when men are accused of sexual harassmen harassment. if it was one or two people, maybe, but when you have so many people coming forward and telling consistent stories, it's just hard to believe all these women are making it up. and but i you know, the trump people have been more than comfortable obsessing over for example, accusations made against bill clinton, but and accepting them as completely true, but any accusations against him or anybody he likes aren't true. >> just remember that debate, david, where donald trump on st. louis, we were all there. like a press conference with bill clinton's accusers. he brought them all there to do that. he was thrilled to jump on that. believed all of them. when these allegations about harvey weinstein came