. >> good morning, directors, sarah gilati and i realize that you have a large stack of documents in front of you for this item and i will walk you through the transaction and be happy to answer any questions, our financial advisor and our counsel and the outside counsel are here. and as well as representatives from goldman sachs, and wells fargo, which is one of the lenders very interested in participating in the loan with goldman sachs. so as you know, we have a tifia loan, that closed in 2010, and this is and the state owned parcel and over time, over the next 36 years, until 2050, it is expected that this will generate over 950 million in revenue, and it is a great long term repayment source, for a long term loan like tifia with a 35 year plan and, we have a rating for a 35 year loan with tifia and it is not a mature, credit, yet. though. and we received our first tax increment this year, about a million and a half dollars over the next four years, until 2018 and it has paid it that we will collect about 9 and a half million in net tax increment and so not enough to go out for a