our essage tt those ttyinn to chaseea dream just like youuhonessll, &pjust nevvr give p.nat sound sarah hoyeniigg somettmeein the nexx 300 minuues... so listen in for -your name..ouure watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break )) this is dylan right here this is d this is his big brother hayden. dylan's only five, but he's already been through two surgeries for brain tumors. and he just went through his second round of chemo. and this is their mother, dawn who runs this loving and happy home. she too struggled with tumors. but that doesn't slow her down. her love of family comes first. their dad, phil, works two jobs, repairing copiers, and on weekends delivering newspapers. but the bills keep piling up and the heating bill gets pushed off. when you learn about their difficulties it just breaks your heart. when we asked the biggest oil companies to help families in need only citgo, the people of venezuela and president hugo chavez responded. thanks to them, citizens energy is able to deliver millions of gallons of fuel to families just like the berios. i'm joe kennedy.