i'm joined here today by my colleagues sarah jones environmental review officer, also england flannery from the mayor's office of housing and comment development. members of the project sponsor team are also present. the project site is located on the south slope of potrero hill between u.s. highway 101 and 280. the site is generally bonded by connecticut street, 26th street wisconsin street, 23rd, texas street and 23rd street. the project site within the potrero hill neighborhood and southeast quadrant of the city. in go public housing developments the potrero terrace and potrero annex. the proposed project would include demolition of existing 620 public housing units, and development of up to 1700 residential units for a range of income levels which includes replacement public housing units. the project also includes new vehicle and pedestrian connections, new street and block layout, new transit stops, new water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, and new retail uses, community facilities and open space. construction of the proposed project would occur over approximately 10 y