sarahing our program on polk, we looked at how she saw the importance of her presentation as first lady. >> >> how sarah looked was important to her. certainly from the standpoint of how she looked and how she was perceived by the public. also saw as a reflection on the presidency itself. she was known for having beautiful dresses and looking incredible in a white house that was equally beautiful. the blue dress was purchased in paris, france in 1847 by mrs. polk and worn by her late in the administration. it is basically a robe. it would be the undress dress costume of a first lady if she was taking visitors before she was properly dressed, this would be the dress she would wear. the white dress is a ball ground -- a ball gown, also made in paris, france. high-end fashion. it is a style that mrs. polk used again and again. we get the indication that she found a style that she liked and kept with. it is a beautiful down, silk gown, silk and satin. the frugal woman she was often purchased dresses and it would buy a great deal of material to go along with them to enhance and change the wa