sarah robinson is president and ceo of sarah robinson company. business coach, a strategist, and an adviser who helps business owners set their companies apart from the rest. sarah's also author of the book "fierce loyalty." great to see both of you. brian, you started a new company since you were last here. >> i have. it's an exciting concept. it's so hard to hire members of your team and using social media is a natural fit. we're just getting started and it's exciting. >> you are both well poised to answer these questions. let's start with the first one. it's about negotiating equity in your business. >> is there a formula to raise capital without giving away too much equity in the company based on a current valuation? >> it's a lot about negotiation but how do you even know where to start? >> well, for me i think it's a personal choice how you want to do that. i would say don't give away any more than 49% because then you lose control of your company altogether. i wouldn't give away more than 25% really because then you lose a lot of power vot