and sarah sewall. it is really a task that is brought together by every division, every office, every mission of the entire state department. this report is the product of really an entire year-long effort. these folks will leave here today and will begin next year's report. and it is a constant process of following up with the employees of our diplomatic posts around the world, gathering facts information, and helping to lay it out. and this report is important because it really is one of the best means that we have, as individuals, to speak up for adults and children who lack any effective platform whatsoever through which they are able to speak for themselves. because of its credibility, this report is also a source of validation and inspiration to activists on every single continent who are striving to end the scourge of modern slavery. i want to emphasize, as i did last month when we issued a report on our human rights observations around the world, the purpose of this document is not to scold, no