next we have martin all live and then sarah -- next we have martin olive and the sarah shrader. >> we have been established since 2004 and in the medical cannabis movement since 2002. i am a staunch advocate for medical cannabis. but i was involved in the 2005 medical care of this act and involved with the working group before we formed as a task force and we have served diligently. we attended all but one meeting and involved in three of the subcommittee's. i also asked the rotating chair at my last meeting and we received -- we submitted to the annual report. we look forward to any questions you may have. >> any questions? thank you for your time serving on the task force. >> thank you. >> hello, thank you for your consideration today for my reappointment to the medical cannabis task force. i am here representing americans for safe access which is the largest organization which is working towards advancing therapeutics research and loss. i have been dedicated to this since its inception and i worked there five years continuously. i also support the san francisco and sonoma chapters.