and finally, at 11:00 p.m., sarah slamen's moment came. >> sarah slamen. >> thank you, chair committee, my name is sarah slamen, i'm here to testify about the politics, i am tired of the greed, born in the state i lived in. you guys have worn me down all day with all of this terrible science and glad-handing. and to be frank, i get to move to new york next month so i don't have to live in fear of your texas legislators anymore, and what you're going to do about this. i will thank you, though, first. it was destiny that you would discriminate against us and try to force yourself inside the bodies of women, thank you for working against us women so publicly and not in the shadows like you are used to. thank you for your press conference and bad information. thank you for your hateful statements, reducing women to brood mares, you have radicalized hundreds of thousands of us. no matter what you do, women and their allies are coming for you. let's start down the line, senator campbell, you're an eye doctor, i won't make you the expert on productive health. we can give you all the children