saranda isn't just popular with albanians and times a day, ferries dock, carrying daytrippers from corfu. at the moment, the beach resort is particularly popular with tourists from scandinavia and the united states. >> it's the first time. we have been to greece several times, turkey, and spain. this is the first time in albania. it is a new experience. >> ms. spent time here enjoying the cafes, restaurants, and the beach. >> and because saranda wants visitors to stay for more than a day, there are now ambitious plans, to build an airport, for example. >> we would like tourists to fly to saranda and make it their base. they can visit greece from here. corfu, for example. because albania is a lot cheaper for foreign visitors. that's our strategic plan for tourism in saranda. >> but these plans have encouraged unscrupulous speculators. buildings have sprung up like mushrooms, often constructed without planning permission. the desire to make a quick buck from mass tourism has pushed the town to its limits. >> there are problems. t