sardar rahimi also said about fuel smuggling that special plans are being implemented throughout the country, especially in the southern and eastern provinces, and have achieved some successes. only the fuel that we got from the smugglers and delivered to our loved ones at the ministry of petroleum is more than 103 million liters . unfortunately , we have lost significant amounts of fuel, and in fact, when we got their confessions from them, we checked your documents, and we saw a lot of them, unfortunately. by fattening and fueling the country exit m. hosseini is the host of the 9th international festival of tratil sajjadi. this festival is held every year at the same time as the martyrdom anniversary of imam zain al-abidin, peace be upon him, with the presence of representatives from the countries of algeria, tunisia, egypt, syria, lebanon, palestine, saudi arabia, bahrain, iran, turkey, and iraq. you didn't know that these days you are easily crying, now you are crying with praises, you are in a good mood , my father was killed , many people left ashura. we correct the 16-year-old