look at the european union, half of the countries want out the world is moving the other way from sardiniao scotland, catalonia to krimea. it goes against what conservatives of the heart believe in to do this. >> let her respond to this [ overlapping voices ] >> i just want to respond the that. there are many countries that want into the eu most recently there is about seven or eight on the list the cue to join and yes, scotland is talking about leaving and catalonia and so on the borders were artificial usually drawn by colonial powers and if canadians indeed don't want to go all the way with the political union i have five other noddles where we can -- models where we can do a joint venture in the arctic. >> got no problem with doing nafta type deal s with the canadians and working with them they are the best friends we've got in the world them and the brits but idea of merging the u.s. with its own history and everything else seems to go against -- [ overlapping voices ] >> canada wants our military protection. >> they already have it because they are an ally if anybodythreatens canada.