. >> chris ceo of sarepta, thank you for coming on. we appreciate it. meg tirrell, we appreciate it as well. >>> let's bring in paul hickey from spoke investment group. paul, why are you being debby downer today, after we've had a pretty big week of earnings? >> i'm not saying don't real too much into it. it was a holiday week. week before easter is traditionally a very strong week for the market, so the average gains of over 1% over the last 25 years, well above that last year, but you know, the last time we were up more than 2% in a week was the week before easter was in 2008. we know how that panned out. just don't get too bullish over it. a gain is a gain, but let's see some follow-through. >> light volume really helps that kind of move. responding quite nicely in relationship to the sell-off for the past month, paul. i'm wondering your thoughts, and whether or not we could see a bounce from there. >> well, you know, as far as individual biotech stocks, it's hard to play. i mean, just look at sarepta, it would a huge move today, but had a huge move