mark works for sargenta and works for the trade group which represents sargenta, dow and pioneer, a subsidiary of dupont. we're here 365 crops a year, and we only do something 10 to 12 to develop, we can do it here in three to four years. >> he has sent. -- today almost the of the corn growing in the united states, the technology has brought in economic benefit of more than $24 billion to. you can see there is a taj to her r too. exact line it's call. you can see there's no ear damage at all to this area. it's beautiful. >> own though the seed compan s companies. that includes the application of several called. chemicals regulated by the epa can only be handled by experienced people. >> we were very careful in how we apply the pesticides. we measure wind direction, wind speed. it's not of any advantage for us to have things drift out anywhere. zaz. some information on what's being spread as started. but the seed companies, who spent millions of dollars in research and development, shared more on the specifics. >> on an annual basis, are any of you willing to disclose that amount? i'll take the