there are 330 households in the village downstream of sargluon village from this dam. in addition to reviving the garden, this year, when we tied it up, it started to flood, water came again , and it was revived again, animal husbandry has flourished , our aqueduct has watered, and then we planted some s2 for us, and we are in rafai, almost like there before, for example. we had a thousand meters, now 1500 meters, 2000 meters according to the head of the group. development and improvement of water resources of the ministry of jihad agriculture , there are more than 6,700 canals in razavi khorasan, and 60 canals that are 18 kilometers long have been restored and restored with watershed operations. sada and simo news agency's haratian. we have reached the end of this news section. thank you have a good time with your company, god bless you. this society is very interesting, sweet and beautiful for me, which was formed here today with the blessing of the holy name of the holy prophet. sometimes we had gatherings with the brothers of the sunni scholars, especially the scho