reminder of a dreadful past in the poison gas museum of akunishima island. injury were taken to sarvabad perished in the attack and had to be transferred to the city of sanendage for treatment. at the end of the bus, among the cries of the injured victims who cried in pain of the blisters that covered their bodies, was ally, staring out the window and still hoping to see his baby boy. but the last thing he saw before passing out was a sign that read 5 kmters. it was at noon on february 20th, 1988 that the news about the chemical attack on the gh area was first broadcast through this very radio in the yard of this house, but none of the homes residents could wildly guess that this news would change their lives. ملافه می کردیم نمی دونم شیشه ها رو جمع می کردیم یه مقدار بالاخره این کارهای عیدو من خودم انجام می دادم تو همین موقع ها بود که تقریباً نزدیک های ظهر بود من دیدم تلفن زنگ ابعاده شیمیایی حلمچه. در مقیاسی بسیاری با فجایه بمبواران اتمی هیروشیمازیکی قابل قیاس است. تلفونو که برداشتم دیدم یه آقایی از من پرسید که منزل آقای جلالی گفتم بفرمایید گفتش که حاج علی آقای جلالی کی شما میشه گفتم دادا