shshe e gogot t heher r sasafefe d dririving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. whwhatat a aboboutut a a t tipip?? heherere's's o onene.....g.getet a ann allstate agent. ninicece!! swswititchch t tododayay a andnd g getet two safe driving bonus checks a yeyearar f foror d dririvivingng s safafely. ononlyly f frorom m alallslstatatete.. cacallll 8 86666-7-78888-0-090900 0 nonow. hoholdld o on n maman,n, i is s ththatat a leak up there? ththatat's's a a d dririp.p. nonow w ththatat's's a a l leaeak.k. ththatat i is s a a leleakak!! anand d ifif y youou d donon't't h havave allstate renters insurance... game over. protect your valuableses from things like water damage fofor r asas l lowow a as s $4$4 a a m month when you adadd d rerentnterer's's i insnsururanance to your allstate auto policy. cacallll 8 86666-7-78888-0-090900 0 nonow.w. anand,d, i if f yoyou'u'rere a a s safafe driver you can save up to 45%! jujustst a a f fewew m morore e wawaysys, allstate is changing cacar r ininsusurarancnce e fofor r gogood. cacallll a an n alallslstatatete