remember i was living in the why of new york city totally although i don't just to put my bathrobe sasheer rock on it sort of share. and why i got down was because. my friends. i had made after the war who had been through the same thing i had and i felt if i did that to myself i would betray. the bond we had. coochie vietnam federer for taint nineteen sixty six by eighty they call it hell's half acre because of the american boy. that would bend steel there tom will do well and the cong snipers have done most of the damage today was no exception. on the. twenty seventh and for a tree the framed wolfhounds moved out to attack the snipers open up from such perfectly camouflaged positions the most of the a copy i want the whole day what i see in one of the enemy a sergeant was hit in the shoulder and leg as he rolled over a third shot ripped through his by. a medic broke from call of and rushed to his as he dropped to his knees to begin given a bullet smashed into the stomach. both the sergeant and the medic. an artillery barrage was laid down to screen a squad gone after the wall and it espe