no, i saw him at the factory, he lives on the crane at sashka belyaev a day or a day before you appearedwell, yes, sasha said that this was his old friend. do you understand sasha belyaev is engaged in smuggling together with zarubin? zarubin well, yes, they generally have the most important thing, because he was silent before, so i didn’t know. come on, get well. free let's go. hello hello sorry i need vasilkov, he's still getting a new military boat here, i need to give him the phone. i don't know any phone list he has. call the dispatcher. maybe there will tell. wait, don't call, wait. please valentin sergeevich hello, here some girl asks about vasilkovo vasilkovo, call her here. come here please. hello your phone i really need to give it back. you see, the bride called him, and i picked up the phone. she probably thinks we're together, but we're not. you know, sit down, i'll give you a ride. yes yes, sure. veronica, let 's find the commander now. from the road, ira, you would like to help me, you would like to get away from me, and without you, too, on the righteous goddamn you got m