the pka drew attention to this pavilion called one thousand little things for you, its owner sasun grigoryan, put on the counter goods with a clear sign of a fake, and you have been working here for many years, not recently, recently, but can you just come here for a second, so that they just want to see, maybe this not yours, not all of this is ours, this is all of yours, just wait, they filmed it, yes, of course they filmed it, look, here... here we have a priora, it seems so beautiful, color bolism, right? but how much does such a nameplate cost, for example, i don’t know, niva? well, 150-100 rubles. seller sosun grigoryan pretends that he does not understand what the actual claims of law enforcement agencies are. but everything is simple: every nameplate with a car brand logo is a registered trademark, which means it can be manufactured. only the copyright holder can sell such products. it would seem like a small thing, but it is not so. a few days before the raid, employees of the oep ipk, specialists from the lada image company , a subsidiary of avtovas that sells original spare parts,