sathnam sanghera, welcome to hardtalk. thanks for having me on.t's a great pleasure to have you on. i want to start with a very personal question. you are a great success. your book empire land has become a bestseller. you write for some of britain's most prestigious newspapers. yet your writing is full of unease about the country in which you live, which you call home. how do you put those two together? well, i think if you understand your history, you learn to appreciate it more. there's an idea in britain that in order to be proud of being british, you need to be proud of british history. but, actually, that's an idiotic thing, because what does that mean? i mean, are you proud of abolition? are you proud of slavery? history is argument. it's not a fixed thing. so, i think understanding your history is a vital part of patriotism. did you become more uneasy about the british culture you were living in and thriving in as you got older? no, actually. i think i've learned more about the history as i've got older, and it's taught me to appreciate th