five years ago, satya nadella became the boss and he was able to turn this super tanker around. microsoft's chief storyteller, realjob title, and he's well versed in explaining microsoft's resurgence that has seen its value more than triple since nadella took over. where this guy caught the wave of personal computing, and this guy missed and the sky missed the wave of portable computing, this guy was determined to catch the next big one — cloud computing. it turns out it's not devices that are mobile, it's people that are mobile and what the cloud has allowed us to do is to put software anywhere on any device. nadella seemed to accept that to move with the times, the company was going to have to do what it did in the beginning and be guided, at least in part, by the youngsters. let me show you a demo of the hypezone. young employees like lenin hsivalingam, whose passion for games streaming led him to win the compa ny‘s fourth internal hackathon in 2017. so our idea, they are going to run computers on these live streams, pixel by pixel and finding interesting moments and showing