and saul alinsky in book rules for radicals, which i have read, he outlines basically using division and divisiveness, ridicule and harsh messages to win political battles through basically dividing people and the right, in a strange way, adopted some of that. and and and i myself in some of my early days, adopted many of those same tactic. so if you go back and look at it, some of the things did against the clinton administration and what i'm saying now that the way for republicans and for conservatives and for christians to be successful in the political arena we need to actually adopt message of christ, which is a message of love. it's a message of forgiveness and it's a message of inclusion and so at its core, i want to reach out to people. the counterpunch is rejecting alinsky and saying, you know what, when they punch us, we're to love them back. and so it's key to go into the hispanic community and go into the african-american community and to be with them and to love on them and to care for them, which is what christ would teach. and that's how we'll be successful with them.