my father was the novelist saul bellow, a person who influenced me in innumerable ways. initially, by forming a certain kind of literary sensibility and a literary way of looking at the world which is not the same as a political way of looking at the world. but also because he in his role as a writer, he felt that it was incumbent upon him to engage in a high-level conversation, with other writers of his stature and with public figures throughout the western world about the future of western culture and its fundamental values because as an artist, in a democratic society, he was like other artists, very concerned, fundamental concerned with the conditions of freedom, which made it possible for him to be -- to be a writer. he was also -- although it is not very well known, an editor as well as a writer. and he published a couple of magazines, small magazines in his career, the noble savage in which he published in the 60s, which he published one of thomas pinchin's early short stories which i'm very proud of actually and then a small publication called the republic of let