saul williams: ok. well, i'll tell you a little bit about it first, because, in fact, i started working on this song way before what has recently happened in burundi since their president, nkurunziza, has changed the constitution and is now serving what some would call an illegal third term and is, of course, you know, suppressing the voice of journalists and of protesters. there's been over 200,000 refugees that have left the country in the past six months. there have been hundreds of murders from people speaking up against the government. none of this had gone down when i started writing about it. i started writing about it primarily because my wife is from rwanda, and so, over the years, i've learned more and more about the great lakes region, of course. there's lots of-lots of interesting things that happen there. one, like 80 percent of the cobalt and coltan that our technology is depended on comes from that region. ok? and as you can imagine, the story around those mines and the exploitation that