>> guest: well, this is my riff on saul wolin sky and rereading it for maybe the dozenth time i realize just how manipulative the rules for radicals are, and there's no principles in that book. it's all about fooling somebody into doing something they wouldn't do otherwise. and that seems to be consistent with their idea of the rule of man over the rule of law. we're different in the sense that our values -- don't hurt people, don't take their stuff, treat everybody like you would want to be treated -- very much define not only who we are, what we believe, but how we would fight to restore liberty. and i love to quote frederick hayek, you know, hayek famously talked about the spontaneous order and how it was that all of these disparate individuals with their personal knowledge of time and place, of what your family needs, what your aspirations are, what you're trying to accomplish, how they all come together and create something that's so much bigger than any one of us could have done. well, look at the tea party movement as one small example of that. nobody designed this thing. as much