>> caller: i served in bagged and sauter city in 2004 and 2005. it was right after the invasion. there was no iraqi government. there was no iraqi army. everything was pretty fuzzy and hazy. that was at the height of the war, 160,000 troops there. i kind of feel foolish in a way. i would do it over again. i proudly wear the uniform but i didn't figure we would spend a decade in that country and in afghanistan. there just -- i want to know what i did for my country over there in that war. i really don't feel like we accomplished anything and it kills me to say that. >> thank you, justin. are you still in the military now? >> no. i only served one enlistment, a brief, two years plus training, no gi bill. but i still get my benefits. i was with the 82nd airborne division. i sustained a back injury. so i'm a disabled vet. i get my v.a. benefits. nobody asked me for any parade. i can't get any vocational rehab. i was infantry. that doesn't leave many options on the outside world. i didn't learn how to fix something or a trade skill like that. >> thank you for participating this mornin