through a form of communication that they use with each other across great distances, across the savannasrica and asia -- it's called "infrasound." it's below our level of hearing, but they can feel the vibrations in their feet. so as large as they are, they're actually quite agile. >> what do these animals eat? >> they eat about 200 pounds of food a day, which consists of, like, grain and hay, fruits and vegetables. they're herbivores, so they don't eat any meat. they eat tree bark and tree limbs and tree branches, so a very high-fiber diet for elephants. >> from columbia, south carolina, i'm carly for "teen kids news." >> the medal of honor is the highest award the united states can bestow on a person for bravery above and beyond the call of duty. >> actually, 19 people have received more than one medal of honor. some cases, it was for the same action, receiving them from both the army and the navy, for example. the most famous case, probably, though, is george armstrong custer's brother, thomas custer, and he was killed at the battle of little bighorn with george armstrong custer. but