who is this nerd of yours, savelelyev? computer nut, hacker, or what?rls there. so, wait a minute, this is interesting, yes, a strange guy, this sovelyev, his eyes are kind of crazy, insane, a weird guy, so will he take the newspaper or not, oh, finally, so, okay, i’ll go, wait, georgivich, let him finish reading, but by the time i get there, he ’ll already finish reading. come on, come on, i wonder what it is? this is an article in the newspaper, when you blew up a car, no visible people were hurt, would you at least drive it away, then there are children playing in the courtyards, i didn’t blow up anything, under the bottom of your car an explosive device was installed, which went off, and the timer was set strictly for a certain time, but if you yourself were in this car, then the forensic scientists would have to collect you in very small pieces, nit, how can it be, but quiet, quiet, quiet , how can this be, the duty officer, you nit, take me away, i’ll detain you, she said that if i kill, we ’ll be together, we’ll get married, let’s go, sashul, is