you have grown and accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone if your time to you is worth savinthen you better start swimming or you will sink like a stone for the times, they are a'changing' ♪ >> here at the obj library we -- lbj library we are in our temporary exhibit gallery, which we are featuring the "60 from the 60's" exhibit. within the exhibit itself, as the title suggests, we highlight 60 americans who had a great impact on the nation. and they are still relevant within the 21st century. some of these people are bob dylan, president lyndon johnson, barbra streisand. we have science. we highlight the apollo 11 crew. the first landing on the face of the moon. we highlight marshall nuremberg, who not only cracked the genetic code back in the 1960's, but also won the nobel prize for his work. charles schultz, one of my favorite parts of the exhibit. we were lucky enough to get two of his original sunday comics. and a pair of his skates that illustrates that he was a lifelong amateur hockey fan. that is something we try to do in the exhibit, to find one object or one documen