and wrote a memorial -- memoir and the book was a vote of gratitudes to robert horton, and and he sayso necessary introduction, said that robert horton was the man he most admires from all the people he interacted with. when he was in the first government. and so it seems to me that was the signal that maybe horton was more important that whan -- than what history has said. at this stage i'd like to -- we have five minutes left. i want to hand out a packet, of some of the p.r. that horton disseminated before pearl harbor. if you want to come forward, you can pick it up. don't want to waste time on distributing it. just but everything has gothen it. also have a packet about the posters after pearl harbor, and if we don't have time, darryl will make them available and i don't think they'll need quite as much -- okay. as you're getting it, i'd like you to see the first poster in the packet. the first poster is the one to all defense workers. in other words, it was p.r. not to the public at large but p.r. to the defense workers. so this is january '41. near lay year before pearl harbor, and