sb lovingly 83 an interesting measure we're recommending support it been carried on the matrix before as a watch it was - >> what package it this on. >> i'm sorry page 22. and the bill was amended to change the funding source it allows the city and county to explores an up to $6 registration fees to fund the bicycle facilities. the prior version was a tax on bicycles and this is more important palatable and there's emerging technical issues over parks in the cities and counties we are combanls the funding for the opportunity of enhancing the opportunity for bikes and final intersection 17 on page 22 recommending support in bill will encourage or require the resources agency to develop climate resiliency collaborative with the cities and counties and others entities and produce an ongoing assessment and identification of measures to enhance climate resiliency and threatened areas of the state that's my presentation and to wrap up the cap and trade discussion the two conflicts between the governor has to do where we it will reside at the state or recreational level and the legislation u