and then manayan , to spite sborovsky, draws this portrait of the essence in sborovsky’s house, and ofaw this portrait, and she hated actually, she just couldn’t stand it at all, when she saw him, she was simply furious, she argued with madelyane, tried to get rid of this portrait, she washed this door, cleaned it, nothing worked for her. a copy of these animals can be found in the museum. the medellians did not worry about talenza sucin. just 10 years ago, a total of 100 animals were sold, which were purchased. there is a great atmospheric space here, you can look at carcinomas, let’s see the hell of their history, and then you can look around here. that's it, i'm geta i'm earning money now. i take away all the same cups and listen to the right things, change the right of their history. on the stages there are all the rap artists of khaimatsin. iago syabrov, masters of the paryzh school, chagall, tsatkin, madelyan, and many others. khutin really loved to draw ordinary, simple people, since he himself came from a very small town and lived in a very poor family. mostak was very strict a