. >> good afternoon, sbrieupervi. i'm charles rathbart. i'm a long time participator in the taxi industry, and thank you for giving us the chance to weigh in on this whility ae still incubating. my concern is i would urge you to make sure in advance, if it gets power over the taxi cabs, that it has the full legal authorities that are needed to carrie out its duties. in particular, three items. one is the illegal authority to conduct department of justice fingerprint based background checks. second is to make sure that the agency or the new department has the proper authority to issue high dollar amount citations. the mta currently issues $5,000 citations for illegal operation of a taxi cab. my recollection is it was quite an undertaking to get that authority. it was not automatically something that the mta had. lastly, the city's paratransit system depends on prop k sales tax dollars and those go through -- my understanding is they go through the mta and ultimately through the paratransit broker. if the new department is going to have the