and it was also much les confusing and sbrouive.a new way they didn't ask me anything except whether i smoked. it has gotten dramatically better even though the government should stand to buy some new servers. >> when i did not have employer, which is that you have to answer so many questions under the old unregulated regime. when you talk about surgery, have you ever -- how much are you drinking? >> i literally spent more time hitting the refresh button and waiting for the servers than i spent answering questions. it just was that simple. >>> coming up -- >> i cannot tell you how many texans across our great state have grabbed me by the shoulder and they said please, i'm afraid for my kids and my grandkids. if we keep bankrupting this country, we're going to loses this -- >> conservatives do best when it comes to talking about this nation's dealt. it turns out, no one is screwing the next generation more than they are. i'll explain ahead. >>> when you listen to conservatives pushing austerity in order to introduce budget deficits t