. >> a motion appointing sburp julie christensen term ending june, 30, 2016, to the association of bay area governments executive board we will open it up for public comment and we will close the public comment and move that forward with recommendation and, could we take that without objection. item four, to change the composition of the family violence council and to establish the sunset date for the council. >> okay. and this is item sponsored by supervisor tang. >> all right. >> thank you very much, i will be quick on this. basically the family violence council is something that is unique in our state. and it is the only inner agency and county wide advisory council dealing with child abuse and domestic violence and elder abuse, the recommendations have sparked really great improvements in san francisco. and it was for example, instrumental in advocating for the children's advocacy center which is a state of the art forensic interview for children, and it helped to establish the intervention, program and to assist the department of emergency management in establishing specialized co