. >> my name is scanvinsky hymes. she wanted me to have a name no other would have. >> he was sent to prison for possessing a weapon in a youth facility. at the time our cameras profiled him in 2000 he had been locked up more than 12 years. almost half his life. >> everything's the same every day. nothing really changes too much. i mean, wake up in the morning, eat, go to yard. when i get bored i kind of get into stuff you know. >> the stuff he frequently gets into is provoking officers to extract him from his cell. each inmate is assigned a security risk classification score. based on his disciplinary record. the average score ranges between 19 and 27 points. >> i finally have the highest classification score in this prison system over 2,000 points now. i caught over 30 almost 40 felonies in prison, various staff assaults, anything you can think of you know. one thing i haven't been convicted of in prison is murder and drugs. >> hymes is probably one of our most difficult. he will tell you to your face his agenda is