the state criminal alien assistance program, also known as scap, helps cover the costs for states and localities to detain undocumented immigrants with civil records. the burn program, the most important and largest grant program to support crime-fighting efforts of our local police departments. and the community development block grants provide critical funding for local communities for disaster relief and other priorities. let me give you some examples from illinois of the impact of the vitter bill. in fiscal year 2014, cook contribute county, our -- cook county, our largest county, received $1,381,000 in scap funding, $7 million plus in burn jag funding. in 2016, chicago received $22 million in cdbg funding. the fop fop -- fraternal order of police sent a letter opposing the vitter bill which is before the senate on behalf of the 330,000 police members who belonged to that fraternity. here's what it said. it is wrong and gross unfairness to punish these brave men and women or the citizens they serve because congress disagrees with their enforcement priorities with respect to our na