. >> guillermo: scarlet, scarlett! how you? how you doing? >> salud. >> salud!guillermo: good to see you. you look great, fantastic. >> thank you. >> guillermo: i love you. >> thank you. >> guillermo: hey, how are you doing? can i get a shot here? >> you stole my swag, man. >> guillermo: i got something for you. oh my god, he touched my hand, but then he let it go. oh, no. mikey! mikey, how are you? how are you doing? you look so beautiful. can i be your plus one? hey, how you? how you doing? >> i love you. let's drink together. god bless drink. >> guillermo: i haven't seen your movie. it is sexy? >> it's something like that. it depends how much of this we drink. >> guillermo: when is going to be your next depressing movie? >> hopefully not too soon. want to do a comedy with me? >> guillermo: yeah, let's do a comedy. i would love to do a comedy. >> cheers. >> guillermo: cheers. where are you getting your eggs right now? >> my eggs? that's a good question. i haven't gone the route of getting my own chicken yet, because i know people are getting their own chickens