programming activities and entertainment throughout the year you will be as trapped by disney as scarlett johansson can't wait. where do i sign? we'll be right back start sniffing but. ♪♪ >> you made it to kennedogs, we love to show your beautiful dogs, we love your dogs just as much as you do. tell me about your dog, they might. >> first up, john with his dog rocky, look how beautiful rocky is, what a great outfit. and bree's dog aussie. and this cute dog, butter bean. she loves treats, looky here, paula's dog jackson, glorious, what a beautiful face. he loves his toys, and john sent in sir duke of ellington, a classy fella. >> and tucker, mother tucker, you are a good boy. next. roo is so happy, they are scotties, and scott's dogs rowdy and jake. and sally's dog, oh, otis enjoying the show. thank you for sending in your kennedog. we love them so much, you can follow me on twitter, instagram e-mail, hate mail for tomorrow night you bastards, tomorrow night on the show dave smith. so much liberty. you might overdose. on too much liberty, never such a thing, if you can't watch the show, dvr it. good