or have they you you now that scarlett johansson said oh, it's all us wanted that a little bit but. i, i probably be i want to think about it a little bit, but i think there is something, you know, i part of my a little worry worried about i will tell you i won't i won't pretend that i'm completely above vanity. you know what part of the joy of creating khan academy videos over the years and i've made like you know 7000 videos is you the first videos were before i had children and you know, my wife knows used to say like, imagine one day our kids could be learning physics from me, our grandkids. you know, this was even before, you know, all of your kids might have been using. and so there was something i thought very exciting about that. you know, we all mean most of us, i think think about our legacy and i was like, well, that could be a really fun legacy. you know, maybe if one day what long after i'm i'm gone, if folks could still be learning, you know, most of this content is pretty evergreen. if people could be learning, you know, newton's laws for me in the year 2300, how cool