i'm hearing a scarry timeline, taking no time to remove public access, which is present. so hopefully all of these be projects can move forward for public access. thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioners, if you see on the ed, declaration of emergency update repair, treatment plant, final of affluent force main. there's more than just a simple sentence. there's a history of that being compromised to stability. who would ever dig through conduits under a force main without doing any assessment around 2004, compromising the force main? now we are in 2019, and there's this sentence coming before the commission and i know maybe it's in that book over there, but that's not the way to do business. this is exactly linked to what i said in my comments. this force main, millions of gallons go through this force main into the bay. talking about treated sewage, it's more than what some of us think and the own way you know this is when it smells really bad. the commission decided to dump the waste water -- this is a proposition where the people went, dealt with the clean water and e