billions of rupees have been invested in flood relief yet resources are scarth. this medical team visits over 20 locations a week to distribute medicine. each time they'd run out of supplies after just a couple of. beers secure on their own reward we'd have 3 teams in our unit and we have to go to different races of you only have 2 boards so sometimes multiple teams need to travel together in one boat if we had more medicine we could help them in the bill. the worst of the rain is over but you don't ignore it still a distant hope for many. for the people of the sound this is simply what the ones who looks like. turning now to china we took a deep dive already this week into its white paper on national defense where beijing singled out the united states for causing uncertainties in the asia pacific region we also took a closer look at beijing's internment of some 1000000 people in its territory of something that the united states and others have condemned and looking ahead to to the united states and china will try to restart trade talks next week in the middle of