bill: and a little more evident, too, tom schatz, thank you, citizens against waste. we appreciate you sharing, we'll talk again. >> thank you bill. bill: go to's news room. there's a bya box. leave a question for tom or anything else you want to talk about, how the government is spending your money, also, twitter, bill hemmer, because you asked, bya. we're lined up to take your question. martha: there's new fallout in the whole green jobs debacle that cost american taxpayers half a billion dollars. republican lawmakers say they are not going to let this one go, not yet, anyway. bill: also, she could go free or spend the rest of her life in prison. the appeals case of american co-ed amanda knox in the final strefpl. we're live to find out her fate. martha: all right, you need not be afraid if you want to look at the dow right now, it's up 95 points, it was up a hundred a moment ago, a little bounceback. we rough sledding last week, so we're seeing buying in the market, some encouragement on the eurotpwhafrpbg terms of debt and corporate news as wel