individuals might help the right, the assistant or associate curator -- actually the head curator of the schaumburg library in new york city who, among other books that he exhibited at his table, conveyed some of the slave narratives written by fugitive slaves, runaway slaves, individually abolitionist during the time prior to the end of slavery. what you did not see was a real historical wrestling with and engagement with what the heritage of slavery meant to african americans today. this was going to come later in relation to black communities in new york and also chicago in the form of the kind of black power approach to knowledge, the sergeant fields of black studies, the form of revisionist approach is slavery, but in 1940 it was, in a sense, a kind of history. one learns, as one often does from history, seeing what it is that people don't say that reveals something about who they are as much as what it is that they do say. >> adam green, who is on the cover of your book, "selling the race"? >> the disk jockey. this is actually a picture that wayne miller, the photographer who supplied the ver